Intelligent transportation systems in Canada
Technologies | Transportation services

Intelligent transportation systems in Canada  

September 3, 2017

Canada is going through a revolution in transportation. New and enhanced technologies have been integrated into the transportation infrastructure to make it not only safer but also more efficient. These emerging technologies bear the name of beneficial intelligent transport systems (ITS). What the intelligent transport systems do is bring together users, cars, automobiles, and infrastructure into one unified system. And ensure that Canada continues to be the best place to live in the world. All means of transportation, including road, rail, marine, and air, are moving towards the application of intelligent transportation systems.

Safety – an ever-increasing problem

Canada’s transportation system is one of the nation’s greatest realizations, extending long distances between cities and major towns, agricultural areas, and natural resource extraction sites. In spite of this fact, the transportation system faces significant challenges. Vehicles are smarter and smarter, but it seems that this does not move people and goods in a safe manner. According to statistics, the number of fatalities has gone up, accounting for many deaths. The problem is not necessarily the congestion in the transportation system, but the continued growth. Other factors worth mentioning are the fiscal reality and the limited budgets.

The role played by Transport Canada

The role played by Transport CanadaThe good news is that Transport Canada does not neglect safety. In fact, it is their top priority. For years, Transport Canada has pushed for the introduction of intelligent transport systems and have supported testing, research, and development of ITS. The cutting-edge technologies that are presently used in Canada are used in very few parts of the world. The technology that serves the public is by Transport Canada as well as other important departments. What is sure is that the government is open to suggestions coming from provinces and private companies providing intelligent transports solutions.

Intelligent transportation systems in Canada

The term intelligent transport system is a hard one to define, yet not impossible. An intelligent transport system is an advanced transportation system that offers innovative services relating to various means of transport and traffic management, playing an important role in public safety, mobility, and efficiency. Examples of ITS in Canada include:

  • Advanced traveler information systems – This type of ITS puts into action computer communication, and information technologies to provide information to the user of the vehicle, facilitating decision-making. The intelligent transportation system supports many categories of drivers and travelers. Information takes the form of message signs.
  • Computational technologies – These are advanced technologies that gather special, temporal, and thematic data. The operational systems are installed in transportation vehicles to solve complex problems.
  • Electronic toll collection – This type of ITC uses passive radio frequency identification technology in order to collect tolls electronically. Electronic toll collection has the potential to increase the mobility of the public transportation system in Canada.

Montréal carries intelligent transportation systems

A great example of an urban area that has adopted intelligent transportation systems in Montréal. The city sees a lot of traffic, so the ITC only benefits the current conditions.  The telecommunications network includes advanced technologies like variable message signs, incident detection systems, and much more.